It seems that Christmas cards with family photographs are becoming more popular every year. Why shouldn't they be so popular? It is after all a great way to make your Holiday greetings a personal statement from you and yours. It is a chance for the family to display their individual personalities and it is a great way for family and friends who don't live nearby to see how much the kids have grown.
Start Early
The number one thing to remember is to get the process started early. You can't wait until December to try to get things rolling. October or even September is certainly not too early to get things underway. Of course I recommend you get a professional photograph taken. Nothing says "I really don't care" like a cheap family picture on a Christmas card. You can get discount rates for this type of thing with many professionals.
Create a Theme
Create a theme to provide continuity with the type of card you will be sending. Maybe you want a religious theme. Maybe you want a snow ski theme or maybe even a Christmas in Hawaii theme. The possibilities are endless and you can have a lot of fun with it. Here are some theme ideas to think about
Family photo with every one's tongue stuck to a metal pole Family members all wrapped up in Christmas gift boxes Santa outfits for everyone (including the pets) Every one dressed in snowman outfits A Grinch family Christmas Family Nativity scene Family dressed as Christmas Trees Family decorated like Christmas Trees
Maybe Just the kids
Let's face it everybody is busy. Maybe everyone in the family can't get together at the same time and the same place. One solution is to just have the kid's photos on the card. For a lot of people it's all about the kids anyway and it will give the kids a chance to pick a theme that maybe they could not pull off if their parents were in the picture.
Maybe Just the Pets
O.K. so the kids are busy too...or maybe they are just teenagers. Since our pets become real family members over time, maybe you just do a pet photo Christmas card. They have to do what you say anyway, and they won't complain about anything.
Get Costumes and Props
You will save money by getting your own costumes and props. But it is a lot of fun going to the local costume store and seeing the family dressed for the photo shoot for the very first time. A lot of time the most difficult part of the shoot is getting everyone to stop laughing at the same time. Of course the more back drops and professional look you give it the happier you will be with the result.
Create Continuity with the Card
When you start looking for a card to put you photo on, you will find there are a lot of options. Once it was the case that most people who sent Family photo Christmas cards chose the postcard type. However due to lowering prices of the folding type and the minimum order quantities dropping, more people are opting to go with folding cards. You will have to select according to your own preference and budget.
Of Course you will want to pick a card that blends well with your theme. Make sure the colors blend and especially the message. Continuity with the theme, colors, and message is the glue that pulls it all together and says, "We really put some thought into this, because we care about you."
Have Fun
Family Photo Christmas cards are all about having fun together for the entire family. What ever you decide remember to have fun with it. The recipients of those cards should look at the card and say, "Wow, they look like they were having a great time when this picture was made". What a great personal way to say Merry Christmas.
Lisa Browning is the owner of Lisa Browning Photography. Lisa has been a professional photographer for many years and has a studio in Tupelo, MS. Lisa provides top quality portraits at affordable prices. Find Lisa Browning at or contact her directly at
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